Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Apex CBD is committed to acting ethically and responsibly in all aspects of our business operations, including our commitment to combating modern slavery. We recognize the importance of ensuring that slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor have no place in our organization or our supply chain. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our efforts to prevent and address any potential risks of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our Policy:

Apex CBD has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. We are committed to upholding the principles of human rights, dignity, and equality. We expect all employees, contractors, and suppliers to share this commitment and to act in accordance with our policy.

Supplier Due Diligence:

We strive to work with suppliers who share our values and commitment to ethical practices. As part of our supplier selection process, we conduct due diligence to assess potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking. This includes:

  1. Supplier Evaluation: We evaluate suppliers based on their adherence to ethical practices, labor standards, and human rights. This evaluation process includes assessing their policies, certifications, and their commitment to compliance with local and international laws.
  2. Supplier Audits: We conduct periodic audits of our suppliers to ensure compliance with our policies and standards. These audits may include assessments of labor practices, working conditions, and the prevention of modern slavery.
  3. Contractual Obligations: We include provisions in our supplier contracts that explicitly state their responsibility to adhere to our policies and uphold human rights standards. We reserve the right to terminate relationships with suppliers who fail to meet these obligations.

Training and Awareness:

We believe that education and awareness are essential in the fight against modern slavery. We provide training to our employees and key stakeholders to raise awareness of the signs of modern slavery and the steps to take in addressing it. Our training programs promote a culture of vigilance, encouraging individuals to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery within our organization or supply chain.

Reporting and Whistleblowing:

We encourage all employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking. We have established confidential reporting mechanisms, including an anonymous whistleblowing hotline, to ensure that individuals can come forward without fear of retaliation. Reports will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with our policies and legal obligations.

Continuous Improvement:

Apex CBD is committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat modern slavery. We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to reflect best practices and evolving legal requirements. We also engage in partnerships and collaborations with organizations dedicated to combating modern slavery, as we believe that collective action is crucial in achieving lasting change.


At Apex CBD, we are dedicated to the highest standards of ethical conduct and social responsibility. We will continue to take all necessary steps to identify and mitigate any potential risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain. By working together with our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders, we aim to contribute to a world free from modern slavery and human trafficking.

This Modern Slavery Statement will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure its ongoing relevance and effectiveness.

Date of Last Review: 28-7-2023

Note: The above Modern Slavery Statement is a sample and should be reviewed and tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of your organization and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.